
The idea of redefining radicalism holds; however employed. But ethos - being the ingrained habitual beliefs of a culture - are more telling, IMO. Look at the comments and look for hate language if you need proof? The thing we should keep in mind. Rather than hate language would likely be admonishment of guilt. This is certainly a thing lacking proper context. So excluding rhetoric is sharp. But looking at Islam as a venerable place to start is going to be difficult. The ethos and the ethics are intertwined in such a way that there is little change until most people see race as a tool of oppression and religion its counterpart rebuttal. This scenario, of course, implies that the most recent of Abrahamic traditions is the least susceptible to technological progress. Doesn’t this mean defining "progress" to mean a thing done with respect to race; and not without religion or gender, or even platitudes, for fucks sake?!?  If progress is learning from mistakes and moving toward a c...

The Gordian Knot – Sweet Talk

One of the key disputes in the continental vs analytic divide in modern philosophy is one of style. German and French philosophers largely follow Hegel’s impenetrable style—or worse, Heidegger’s—while English-speaking philosophers largely follow Bertrand Russell’s approachable prose.

A Spanish Don Quixote

Okay. There is a push for ‪#‎NativePeoplesDay‬ taking over Columbus day. So, there are certain fictions that need to be addresses. Which ones are the sociopolitical ones: gender issues, the historical demagoguery, the anthropomorphised phylogeny? The link below is of the latter group. The former group is for the link previous to In the middle we have a problem. What a national unicorn day would do is help us remember how misconstrued we all are by our consensus!

Hilary Putnam (1926-2016)

Hilary Putnam, Cogan University Professor Emeritus at Harvard University, died earlier today.

Opioid Drugs for Mental Anguish: Basic Research and Clinical Trials

The prescription opioid crisis of overdosing and overprescribing has reached epic proportions, according to the North American media. NB

The AI Analogy is Absurd.

Specifically,the analogy is absurd. The problem is not as much how absurd a situation can arise in ethical technology. There is an expectation on the part of the food to be less sentient in some way that makes their adamance or vehemence a capability exclusive to the diner and not so much to the dinner. Analogously, in the future can we expect people with cleft chins to report to soylent centers? Yet, that is expected by some ghetto youth if this is the soylent center is a prison and the skin is a minority? We may have little recourse but to become radically anti-radical. Thought Experiment. A quantum gel is eventually developed to serve as a nerve impulse router with a coordinating processor. The film is completely transparent and its members, its organs, and its qualia, are caches accessing memory devices and are facilitated by spooky actions enabled by quantum entanglements. This supercomputer would need to have superconductors as a backbone and a CPU which can predict human behavio...

Social Media and Grieving

This is a good story about conversion and conversation. It says a bit about the human character to really watch these people and reflect about secular ethics How vast the reaction of consciousnesses such that it extends into human virtues? This is not a case of mythological Trolls [in defense of the soul]. In response i think a kind of social accountability is the ethical matter of the Anonymous group [maybe the Facebook demagoue] and this is somehow designed to identify and improve the grief and suffering of others